This week, we’re joined by Tarryn Morrissey of the Digital Practitioner on how to stay healthy and grounded as you grow your side business. Tarryn is a chiropractor and coach to other health professionals who need to learn how to leverage their online presence. Listen now: Read an accessible transcript. Visit Tarryn’s website at Also, leave a question for a future Q&A episode by using the voice message option on your podcasting app or emailing me. Don’t forget to subscribe so you won’t miss any of our future episodes with other side hustlers and experts to help you deal with some of those small and large issues that come up when you’re running a side hustle. I’d also love it if you could share this episode with any of your friends you think would be interested and leave a review and a rating in your podcast app. Get notified of new episodes and other updates by email. Sign up today.